FUMC Foundation
The FUMC Foundation is established to provide a means through which enduring charitable gifts will become a living memorial and a perpetual source of financial support to benefit the church and its programs. It is the vehicle for receiving and managing gifts that look to the future and enhance the ability of the church to promote its ministries and care for its property.
The Fredericksburg UMC Foundation is established to provide a means through which enduring charitable gifts will become a living memorial and a perpetual source of financial support to benefit the church and its programs. It is the vehicle for receiving and managing gifts that look to the future and enhance the ability of the church to promote its ministries and care for its property.
The board of the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Foundation wishes to recognize and thank the following donors for their donations.
These gifts are a lasting legacy to the church
Barker, Rejeana
Batterton, John & Carol
Bennack, Marjorie
Benson, John & Peggy
Boone, Tom
Brady, Linn & Beth
Brown, Ray
Bryla, Carroll & Susan
Bumgarner, John
Bush, Charles & Lois M
Cameron, Curtis
Cannon, Stephen & Donna
Cappelletti, Alfred & Jeanne
Cottingame, Karen E
Daigle, Mary Kay
Dance, Maryneil
Daugherty, James & Pat
Dian Graves Owen Foundation
Eckert, Gordon & Dianne
Elswick, Lonnie & Marianne
Elvir, Mike & Sandra
Encouragers Class
Everett, Harlan
Gartner, Linda
Green, John & Toots
Hannum, Glenn & Margaret
Harris, Cody
Harris, David & Kim
Harris, James
Heinen, Barbara
Herbort, Alton & Doris
Hildreth, Prentis & Marsha
Hinson, Jean
Holmes, R B & Thresa
Hoopman, Judy
Houy, Robert
Hughes, David & Mary Beth
Jennings, Rex & Julie Harris
Johnson, Richard & DeAnn
Joseph Financial Partners
Kammermeyer, W F
Karst, Don & Pat
Koenig, Don & Pam
Koym, Charles & Zala
Lee, Robert & Linda
Lindley, James & Janet
Lukenbach, Beth
Matysiak, Conrad & Brenda
Mauldin, Irene R
McDonnell, Patricia
Metzger, Leta Ann
Miiller, Rosalie
Nelson, David & Lori
Newman, Charles & Frances
O'Neal, James
Peck, Kristie
Peterson, Janet
Puig, Richard & Pamela
Quindry Charles & Susan
Rabon, Randal
Reagan, Wesley & Georgia
Richards, Joan W
Robertson, Dale & Connie
Ryan, James & Judy
Sample, Jerry & Diana
Schafer, Rick & Dana
Schmidt, Charles & Loretta
Schmidt, Dorman & Vicki
Schmidt, Herbert & Mary Lou
Shepard, Carol Foyt
Smith, Julie
Smith, Kay
Starr, Larry & Nancy
Stewart, Camey
Sultemeier, Kenneth & Jana
Swink, Glenda
Synek, Judith
Tarksi, Sandi
Thompson, Susan H
Van Antwerp, Timothy & Sylvia
Weber, Babette
Weed, Julia
Weidenfeller, Beverly
White, Dewey & Patricia
White, Donna
White, Linda
White, Michelle
White, Robbilee
Whitworth, Mary B
Wieting, David & Nancy
Wilhite, James & Pam
Williams, Kenneth & Loes
Williams, Ronnie & Jan
Wilson, Charles & Linda
Wilson, Joe & Zoe